Smartest Choices for the Smart Essays Now

Every part of the scientific article, or every chapter of the thesis, is reflected in the abstract. The trick is to keep it short: you devote only one or two sentences to each part or chapter. You use a very short, concise writing style for the abstract. Complex sentence structures are avoided. You immediately mention the subject and tell little about theory. You state the research question, describe the research method (participants, instruments and procedure) and communicate the results and conclusions. In this blog we will look at three important parts of the sentence structure and explain the rules that differ from other writing formats. It is also important to mention that for the task you can make use of the reliable.

How long is it abstract?

Different sources are very clear about the length: an abstract has a maximum length of 120 words. Students who write a thesis in the form of a (long) scientific article, for example Masters in Psychology, must strictly adhere to this.

Writing tips

The Study Masters specialists always advise thesis students to view a few abstracts of other articles before they start writing and to ask themselves the following questions:

  • Do you see similarities between the abstracts?
  • Do you recognize the fixed structure of the abstract at a given moment?
  • Are there certain sentence constructions that keep coming back?

If you have viewed a number of abstracts from this point of view, you are likely to easily shake one out of your sleeve for your own research. If you find it difficult to write briefly and concisely, first make an abstract that is too long and ask a fellow student to shorten it. Because of the fresh perspective, an outsider can often make a better distinction between main and side issues and will probably be able to shorten your abstract well. Use one or more of these ‘ useful sentences for academic writing ‘ if you write an abstract in English.


An abstract contains:

  • 120 words maximum
  • the research question
  • the method (participants, instruments, procedure)
  • the results
  • the conclusions
  • no complicated sentence constructions
  • not too much theory

Write a good thesis without delay? Study Masters helps students move forward. With our guidance you study faster, better and more relaxed. Who we are and what we do exactly? You can read that here. You can also sign up for a free, no-obligation introductory meeting in Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Leiden or Rotterdam. You are very welcome.

In an earlier blog you could already read how spelling mistakes in texts can seem unprofessional and unreliable. This is also the case with errors in the sentence structure of a text. Every language has its own rules for sentence structure, including English. There are similarities, but also differences.

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